Pentecost Workshop Assortment
I’ve added a couple of new items to the workshop store. You’ll find there a coffee table made of knotty alder (or other hardwood as available.) It serves well as a place for your tea cups, glasses and reading material. It is also a suitable height if you like to sit on the floor. You’ll also find the wooden gardner’s tote, a ‘tool boat.’ It’s pictured above flanked by dog, looking so relaxed and handsome!
I’m making them from good scrap wood. Scraps get used, shaving and sawdust go in the compost, and assorted bits of wood will become charcoal, or fuel for a fire (and the asj goes into the compost too.)
Check out these items, and see whether they might make a nice gift for a friend or family member. They are made to order, and we can discuss preferences you have about finish.
The building and making use of the wood as completely as possible cycles into planting trees. These chestnut trees and I took a little trip to the Willamette valley in western Oregon last Sunday. The words of the Psalm heard in worship were with us as we went.
They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. Psalm 1
46 chestnut crosses and 1 volunteer white oak delivered to a friendly family. I’m so grateful for their true hospitality on the way, and their happiness to plant and help to provide places for all these trees. I had such a good time there on my brief stop, but I forgot to get many pictures. On my way home I did capture an image of a beautiful buckeye in full bloom, bees hovering, beside the Butteville store, planted just above the Willamette river.
I plan to keep in touch with growers of these chestnut trees, and record information about where they are growing, and how they grow. I’ll write about how that goes here, and maybe some of them will share updates and reflections as well.
And I’ve been digging up more seedling trees planted by rats and squirrels from hedges and fence rows in my neighborhhood. I hope to plant and distribute more next year, as well as host a Boat and Table Workshop tree and plant sale in spring 2022. Make a note in your garden and forest calendar. It’s part of cultivating ‘whole’ craft.
God is the one who makes whole, and I hope for the workshop to be a place that helps me and others see and be part of the many, small ways God is doing so.
May you and the trees root, grow leaves that do not wither, and bear fruit in due season.
When you send forth your spirit, they are created;
and you renew the face of the ground. Psalm 104:30
By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. Galatians 5:22-23