We encourage you in the grounding and joyful practice of working with your own hands.
Workshop Hospitality
Art, Making and Spiritual Direction
Project-Based Classes
You will find more information below about these offerings.
To learn more, take part, or develop a experiential learning project tailored to your community, please write or call.
Workshop Hospitality
You are invited to stop by the Workshop this winter. Afternoons are generally warmer out there.
You are welcome to help with current projects, or ask me about something specific you would like to try to learn.
Right now I’m working on sketching, linoleum and woodcut prints, a boat model preparatory to a full-scale build,… and whatever finds me that day.
We can enjoy some contemplative tinkering or sketching, a prayer pause, a coffee break or a late afternoon snack.
Anonymous Machinist in British Shipbuilding Plant
Classes and Group Spiritual Direction
As offerings of Wild Indigo Guild and the Boat and Table, we will offer two Pre-Lenten & Lenten Classes.
Wild Indigo Guild 8-Week Formation Series
We invite you to these eight weeks of prayerful learning and release into contemplative action.
The 8 weeks can help you identify goals, objectives and skills to get there, and steps for yourself each week toward them.
And they can help you and you congregation discover and renew a sense of missional call to restore the earth where you dwell, in community with your neighbors and all creatures.
Our 8 themes for ecological christian spirituality guide contemplative attention and restorative practice. We explore the themes thru art, permaculture, practical examples from land and water, contemplative conversation, and weekly practices at home.
The outcomes are open-ended for this time set aside for you and God in slowed-down pace.You might discover a renewed sense of God’s presence, new habits of attention, and desires waiting for you. Such interior ‘contact’ heals, integrates, and leads you into daily life, action and initiative.
You will encounter resources from christian tradition, scripture and art for faith and practice. You will gain a better appreciation for the inter-connectedness of the life where you dwell. You will come away with skills, knowledge and inspirational examples for restoring land in community with others.
We hope you will take part. We suggest a donation of $100-$200 for the 8 weeks. And we do not want financial cost to be a barrier to your participation. So, we leave it to you to decide what you can afford. Mondays, February 17-April 7.
You can sign up by contacting us at wild-indigo-guild.com.
Earth Year & Church Year: Seasons and Rhythms of Faith and Practice
On Mondays, March 10 and 24, I will offer a two-part class on seasonal christian spirituality.
Each part will be 1.5 hours. Each part will be offered twice, at 4:00pm and 7:30pm Pacific time. The class is free, and suggested donations of $25-75 are gratefully accepted. Sign up by emailing me directly.
Part 1, I will walk you through the rhythms, seasons, feasts and fasts of the church year. I will present these as guides for your heart, mind and body to awareness and involvement with the life of God in the wider creation.
Part 2, I will guide you through exercises to imagine and create a calendar and seasonal spiritual practice for yourself. We’ll also consider ways to shape events or worship at your congregation that participate in the rhythms and activities of your locale.
I can also be available to ‘coach’ you in further developing seasonal vision and imagination of church worship and activities.
I look forward to sharing experience, knowledge, wisdom and encouragement around seasonally inspired worship and church life.
The Kitchen Maid with Supper at Emmaus, Diego Velasquez
Project-Based Classes
This class is intended for complete beginners, so that you gain familiarity with basic woodworking tools, materials, skills and safety, as well as confidence to pursue further learning and making. It is a nice way to prepare for the Christian season Advent, and other religious traditions in which light figure.
This class is very portable, and would be a lovely activity for church, youth group, scouts or others.
You will learn about:
wood and lumber dimensions,
how to measure, mark and cut to a line with a handsaw,
how to cut a simple joint with saw and chisel, gluing,
and how to bore a hole with a brace and bit.
You will also take home ideas of how to finish your project, and even build another!
Your candle-holder can be a perfect way to make times of prayer and celebration felt in new ways.
Community-Builds: Benches & More