Wild Indigo Guild
Wild Indigo Guild helps you listen for the Spirit’s invitations and guidance in local efforts of earth restoration along with faithful patterns of life.
We bring 40+ years of combined experience with pastoral work and land care to this venture in faithful living and earth restoration.
We want to help you and your community discover paths prayer and restoration that fit you and your place.
We invite and accompany you along-
An 8 week formation series helps you appreciate and integrate key themes of christian spirituality and ecological awareness into your local land, church and home.
A 6-9 month ‘dream, discern and dig’ pathway. You gather up personal and group learnings and insights from the 8 week series, and determine next steps for yourselves and community.
For example,
you might integrate the seasons and local knowledge of the land into your worship, or help your congregation with life-giving choices around grocery shopping, daily transportation or home energy-use.
Or, you may want to foster a community effort or project, such as a reuse/recycle workshop, a wildlife habitat, green burial site, or commitment to restore a local watershed.
We accompany you with what help we can offer, but this is your path to discover and pursue.
We look forward to working with you to discover and pursue paths of faithful restoration on earth.
*Wild Indigo, also known as false indigo or river locust, is a native north american woody plant growing in the understory of riversides and other wet areas. It sponsors nutrients in a habitat that foster the growth of other plants and animals, as well as stabilizing the soil, an helping to mitigate and repairing erosion.
Guilds are cooperative associations of producers-whether plants and animals, or people working in tandem at their art, craft and industry.
Tree Nursery
I am pleased to offer tree seedlings in 2024. I currently have have chestnut-hybrids, american chestnuts, butternuts, and colorado blue spruce.
The chestnuts are 2-3 yr seedlings whose parent trees grow near my home. I estimate that they are 100-110 years old. A researcher with American Chestnut Foundation identified samples I sent to them as a cross of European and American trees (Castanea sativa x dentata.) I also have 20 1yr seedlings of Castanea dentata from trees growing in Tumwater.
These seedlings will happily grow in a well-drained, sunny, slightly acidic place. They would make wonderful shade trees, and is you plant two or more for pollination, they will produce nuts for food and wildlife forage. Since these are seedling trees, their characteristics may vary a bit, but that is the fun of planting them out. You can watch and see how they grow. Consider the shade and good they can provide to present and future generation on this planet.
Butternuts (Juglans cinerea) will be available in pots, and for shipping bare-root in March 2024.
Blue spruce (Picea pungens) are a beautiful grey-blue color, and would make good trees for habitat, wind-shelter and landscape planting, or experimenting with spruce bonsai.
I also have some oak trees, yet to be determined…either Quercus robur or Quercus garryana. You’’l have to quibble with the gray jays who planted them in the hedges and grass.
They are all available potted for $30/tree.
Trees are free for churches planting 10 or more. Donations to the workshop are gladly and gratefully accepted.
Do you own a lot or parcel of land? What about your church, or a club? Maybe some common or vacant land that you and some neighbors might tend together? Or, Trees can be a beautiful memorial, and a prayer offered for those to come. If you order 20 or more trees, and live within about 100 miles of Olympia, I would offer my time to deliver trees and meet you. Your paying for gas is appreciated. A financial gift to the workshop supports this tree-planting ministry. Just another way to help people plant and tend trees together on earth. If you are interested in one or more, please contact me.