What is Spiritual Direction?
A ministry of accompaniment that helps a person ready to listen and look for God’s way of being and working in his or her life.
It is a ministry where persons often meet one on one, or in a small group, and the Spirit is the true director and accompanist.
In various ways in christian traditions people have sought and offered ongoing soul-guidance from friends and experienced listeners and companions in the way. Some people practice it as an ongoing discipline, others may come to direction at times of spiritual transition, crisis or intensity.
I especially enjoy helping you discover a grounded, contemplative way of being amidst life and work, listening for the shape of God’s ongoing calling, and seeing and delighting in the ways God is present in creation and your everyday activities, hobbies and crafts.
Some of the things I might accompany you amidst include,
Reading the land of your life with heart and imagination for the paths and prints of God…
Finding way in the forest of life, sometimes well lit, other times dark or confusing…
Discerning and discovering God in unexpected paths and options…
Drawing nearer to the sense and Wisdom in your body, and what guidance it has…
Feeling and seeing more truly yourself, your place, and God with you there…
Discovering the peace of God in your daily arts, crafts and manual activities…
Witnessing the healing and integration God brings about…
Rediscovering a more contemplative and grounded approach to life and vocation…
Growing patiently in prayer, wisdom and love…
Yielding to God in your life…Gelassenheit,…
If these seem seem to speak to where you find yourself, you can write or call to inquire about an initial meeting with me. I am available to meet in person, or via teleconference software.
A spiritual direction session is 50 minutes. Often people meet monthly, though the frequency may vary according to your need.
An initial meeting allows you to experience direction, and begin to feel your way forward into this spiritual discipline, and whether we might be a good fit at this time. We can then discuss your questions about spiritual direction. I can share about the mutual expectations of a spiritual direction relationship.
Should you and I discern a fit, and you desire to continue to meet, we can schedule an agreeable time. I ask a donation of $40-$100 dollars per session.
If you want to explore direction, and money seems an obstacle, please contact me about options.
I will also offer a spiritual direction and art appreciation group, to meet 7 times in 2023-24. You can read more about it on the “Build” tab.
May the peace of God beyond understanding keep your body, heart and mind.