Born anew, seeing, entering
Well, I just didn’t get to the blog until saturday morning this week. But friday remains the usual day and rhythm. Here are some pictures from the garden and workshop this week. I was working on a couple of bull/smoke grinders.
You can find these fun toys in the Boat and Table shop. Several children and adults have been enjoying turning these awesome four cylinder dynamos of doing next to nothing!
Also pictures of some alder and tulip poplar I’m preparing for small boxes. The band-saw wiggled a little, so I’ll have to do a little trouble shooting this week. But the bench plane will get these pretty little planks into good shape for joining up.
Some beautiful poppies, and fava beans beginning to blossom in the garden (yes I’ve left self-sown parsley to fill the understory.)
I’ll post my Trinity Sunday sermon here as well.
peace to you.