Accompanying in growth
Here are a couple of links for you who are able and desiring to offer charitable assistance. And of course, consider how you can carefully re/connect with a local church congregation, and offer your various forms of prayer, presence, support and ministry.
Rule, Level, Square
A 'Gideon' offered this pocket bible to my 14 year-old hand. I hardly thought about it at the time, maybe even chuckled with a teenage boy's goofy irony. But I accepted it. And it has gone with me in my car, backpack, or work-kit for years now. While on work breaks, eating lunch and walking in the woods, I have read and prayed with this book in my hand.
By grace we come to be in the world more truthfully and lovingly, as God gradually renews us in the divine image. I'm grateful for the various people who witness this work of God in themselves and others, who desire more to follow it, and who gently yet clearly accompany others as the Spirit gives growth.
A co-worker on the school district maintenance crew kept a similar pocket bible on the dash of the work truck. He read it when we had a moment to wait somewhere. I admired his kind and direct demeanor. He taught me a few things about small engines, welding and some good shop habits. And I tucked his ordinary spiritual practice of seeking God's voice during the work day away in my memory, and it later emerged as a real help.
People along our way offer us gifts, guidance, witness and example. This may only be evident with the light available in another season. Their gifts, guidance, witness and example provide the fibers that spin into a gracious thread of faith, hope and love that is faithfully present to your life, turning the heart back to God.
Who has offered gifts, guidance and personal example that witness to the true life within you, turning your heart to it?
To whom might you be offering these, accompanying them as the Spirit grows their heart?